class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Introduction to functions and R packages ] .author[ ### Mikhail Dozmorov ] .institute[ ### Virginia Commonwealth University ] .date[ ### 11-28-2022 ] --- ## Package priorities **Question: What is more important?** - Usability, solves real problem - Statistical (methodological) superiority - Documentation - Speed --- ## Package priorities **Question: What is more important?** - Usability, solves real problem - Statistical (methodological) superiority - **Documentation** - Speed --- ## Documenting functions: the old way - Originally, documentation was written in LaTeX-like format, stored in `man/*.Rd` files ``` latex \name{cat_function} \alias{cat_function} \title{A Cat Function} \usage{ cat_function(love.cats = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{love.cats}{Do you love cats? Defaults to TRUE.} } \description{ This function allows you to express your love of cats. } \examples{ cat_function() } \keyword{cats} ``` --- ## Documenting functions: the simple way - The package `roxygen2` greatly simplifies documentation - Roxygen2 docstrings start with #’ - Keywords defining pieces of documentation start with @ - `@param` - parameter description - `@return` - what the function returns - `@export` - must be to make the function available - `@examples` - how-to use the function - Can (must) use LaTeX syntax in special cases - `\code{ <R code here> }` - code highlight - `\url{ http:// ... }` - URL - `\email{name@...}` - e-mail .small[] --- ## Documenting functions: the simple way - The package `roxygen2` greatly simplifies documentation ``` r #' A Cat Function #' #' This function allows you to express your love of cats. #' @param love.cats Do you love cats? Defaults to TRUE. #' @keywords cats #' @export #' @examples #' cat_function() ``` --- ## Generating documentation - Run `roxygen2::roxygenise()` or `devtools::document()` to convert roxygen-formatted help to `.Rd` files understood by R - Check `Generate documentation with Roxygen` to auto-generate `.Rd` files, NAMESPACE file. The menu "Tools -> Project Options -> Build Tools" .center[ <img src="img/roxygen_setting.png" height=250> ] .small[] --- ## Making your functions available - All packages have a `NAMESPACE` file: a collection of objects to be exported and imported - To avoid overwriting users' variables - To avoid ambiguity in function calls - To ensure the package has everything it needs to run - To encourage modular code ``` r # Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand S3method(t,test2) export(TCGA_corr) export(Venn2) export(Venn3) export(Venn4) export(Venn5) export(gene_enrichment) ``` --- ## Making your functions available - A `NAMESPACE` file specifies which functions are available to the user, and which are hidden (helper functions, minimize naming conflicts) ``` r export(function_name) ``` - A minimal `NAMESPACE` file ``` r # Export all names exportPattern(".") ``` - Your `NAMESPACE` is auto generated using `@export`, `@import`, `@importFrom` Roxygen *tags*; never directly modify your `NAMESPACE` file --- ## Making objects from other packages available - All or partial set of objects from another package can be imported and used as `package::object` ``` r import(randomForest) importFrom(ModelMetrics,mcc) importFrom(PRROC,pr.curve) ``` - Your `NAMESPACE` is auto generated using `@export`, `@import`, `importFrom` Roxygen *tags*; never directly modify your `NAMESPACE` file --- ## Making everything available with Roxygen2 Roxygen tags from function's help sections get converted to the NAMESPACE entries In `preciseTAD.R` function: ``` #' @export #' #' @import randomForest e1071 preciseTAD <- function(...) ``` In NAMESPACE, after running `roxygen2::roxygenise()` or `devtools::document()` ``` export(preciseTAD) import(randomForest) import(e1071) ``` --- ## Writing detailed documentation - **Vignette** – an instructive tutorial demonstrating practical uses of the software with discussion of the interpretation of the results (vignette = tutorial). Critical to get a user started with your package - A short introduction that explains - The type of data the package can be used on - The general purpose of the functions in the package - One or more example analyses with - A small, real data set - An explanation of the key functions - An application of these functions to the data - A description of the output and how it can be used .small[ ] --- ## Writing vignettes - Written using Markdown syntax - Saved in `vignettes/*.Rmd` files - Add YAML header to each vignette file ``` yaml --- title: "Vignette title" date: "2022-11-30" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette title} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ``` - Build your vignettes with the `devtools::build_vignettes()` command - The resulting `*.html` files will be in the `inst/doc` folder --- ## Package building pipeline using devtools ``` r library(devtools) create(“cats”) # Create package skeleton document(“cats”) # Create function's help build_vignettes("cats") # Build vignettes build("cats") # Build package install("cats") # Install package check("cats") # Build and check a source package, using all known best practices ``` .small[] --- ## for the package - Create `README.Rmd` with the standard RMarkdown text and code, as you would do for the vignette - Use `devtools::build_readme()` function that will compile the `` file - Remember, the Markdown format in the `` file shouldn't have R code. - The `devtools::build_readme()` function will execute code you put in the `README.Rmd` file and format the code and its output properly --- ## Package building pipeline using command line - `R CMD build cats` – will create a tarball of the package, with its version number encoded in the file name - `R CMD install cats_0.0.0.9000.tar.gz` - `R CMD check --as-cran cats_0.0.0.9000.tar.gz` --- ## Including datasets - Create `data` folder - Save your data in R binary format, using `save(cats, file = “data/mydata.rda”)` (or, use `.RData` extension) - Can include `.txt` of `.csv` files - Add `LazyData: true` in the `DESCRIPTION` file – your data will be immediately available (after `data("mydata")`, `cats` data will be available on the first use). - If the data is large, also add `LazyDataCompression: xz` --- ## Documenting datasets - Add `R/mydata-data.R` file - Document with `roxygen2` syntax ``` r #' My data brief info #' #' Longer description of my data #' #' @docType data #' @usage data(mydata) #' @format An object of class \code{"data.frame"} #' @keywords datasets #' @references Put reference here #' @source \href{}{Link} #' @examples #' data(mydata) "mydata" # No extension ``` --- ## Example of a dataset package - USDA Nutrients - an R package containing all data from the USDA National Nutrient Database, "Composition of Foods Raw, Processed, Prepared" - Use `devtools::install_github("hadley/usdanutrients")` function to install a package from GitHub .center[ <img src="" height=250> ] .small[ ] --- ## Updating R and packages - `installr::updateR()` - update R and the corresponding packages on Windows - `updateR` - update R on Mac .small[ ] --- ## Other useful tips and tricks - [testthat]( is a H.W. package to write unit tests - `rm(list=ls(all=TRUE))` removes everything in the global environment - But does not unload packages! Use, e.g., `detach("package:vegan", unload=TRUE)` - Use "Session -> Restart R" to completely refresh your environment - [pkgdown]( is a H.W. package that can autogenerate a website for your package `build_site()` - [blogdown]( - Creating Websites with R Markdown, Yihui Xie et al. - [bookdown]( - Write HTML, PDF, ePub, and Kindle books with R Markdown, by Yihui Xie et al. --- ## More references - [Writing R packages]( lecture slides by Daniel Sjoberg. [GitHub source]( - [How to create an R package]( lecture slides by Irene Steves, Mitchell Maier. [GitHub source]( - [R packages]( book by Hadley Wickham, [GitHub]( <!-- - Short notes by Karl Broman: [How-to package functions](, [Transform repeated code into functions](, [R package primer](, and [Package tutorial by Hillary Parker]( - [Package Development tutorial for useR! 2019 Toulouse](, by Jenny Bryant, slides, exercises - Project-oriented workflow. --> - [Jeff Leek on developing R packages]( - Templates for making R packages: [sinew](, [pRojects](, [mkrpkg]( - [R package workshop](