class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Introduction to BIOS524 ] .author[ ### Mikhail Dozmorov ] .institute[ ### Virginia Commonwealth University ] .date[ ### 10-19-2022 ] --- class: center, middle # Welcome --- ## Biostatistical Computing with R - Course website: - Learning through practice - this means you will always do something hands-on. - While doing, you will need to google for help - you will learn a lot from other resources. - Let's maintain a welcoming and supportive environment. - Ask as many questions during the class as necessary! Worst case - I'll address them later, if not covered during the class. - Respect each other. --- ## Learning Objectives By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Understand and utilize R/RStudio. - Share your code on GitHub. - Understand basic data types and data structures in R. - Execute and interpret some basic statistics in R. - Load data files (Excel, Comma Separated Value files) into R/Rstudio, with tips on formatting and data organization. - Filter and format data in R for use with various routines. - Visualize datasets using ggplot2 and understand how to build basic plots using ggplot2 syntax. --- ## Rules for interaction - Join []( channel. See [Slack 101]( - Contact via direct messages, or add others for group conversations. - Omit formalities, but be respectful and polite. - I'll try to answer your questions asap, typically, within 24 hours. - E-mail works: mdozmorov {at} vcu {dot} edu --- ## Class Assignments - Homeworks should be submitted via Canvas, or as instructed. - Homeworks are due 1 week after the class. E.g., homework for October 19 class is due October 26, 5:00pm Eastern time. - A final project will conclude the course. --- ## Grading - Each homework and the final project will be graded on the scale 0-10, 10 points being the best. - Total homework grade possible - 100 points. - Missed deadline - minus 3 points for each missed day. - Missed deadline and not submitted within three days - 0 points. - Office hours - by appointment. Message by Slack or e-mail to schedule, or talk with me at class. Zoom meetings are possible.